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Our mission is to improve the lives of free-roaming cats through education and resources and to help reduce cat overpopulation with a non-lethal trap, neuter, and return program.

Donations can also be mailed to:
Kokomo Community Cats
PO Box 85 Kokomo IN 46903

5,449 Cat spays and neuters completed to date.
If you if are unable to trap the cats in your neighborhood and get them to a spay-neuter appointment, please ask for help!
Our history
Founded in 2014, Kokomo Community Cats Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program began humanely trapping community cats in an effort to combat feline overpopulation. We believe each cat deserves to live out it's life in it's current territory while being managed by a caretaker. We provide the needed assistance, support, and resources in order to make that possible. There is no way to tell exactly how many community cats live in Howard County. That number changes continuously. Each cat can have multiple litters during each breeding season and cat numbers are reduced through attrition.
As a nation we euthanize about 72% of all cats and kittens that enter our shelters. With less than 3% of the free-roaming cat population being spayed or neutered, this is the reason for the dreaded kitten season. Our goal is to fix as many community cats as possible to prevent litters from being born and entering the shelter system.
Kokomo Community Cats is funded solely on the kindness of our sponsors and donors. We are not funded by the city or the State of Indiana. We often organize fundraisers to help cover our costs. A vast majority of our caretakers are not able to afford to feed their colonies and pay for the vetting. We do not want the cost of a spay or neuter to prevent their cats from being healthy. Allowing them to reproduce will only increase the cost of feeding, spread disease, and will increase the numbers of cats entering our shelters. In addition to providing much needed medical care we also provide food to caretakers and outdoor shelters. No community cat should have to starve or suffer in the outdoor elements.

Blondie is an adult female cat that was pulled from a crowded shelter. She was fixed, vaccinated, and adopted out to a barn home through our
Barn Buddy Program.
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